This Is My Exodus: Deliver Me
Have you ever found yourself feeling as if you were in a prison, due to the ongoing agony of a specific situation that you were in, that felt as if there was no escape? I know that I have. On the outside, my situation may have looked joyous, unified, and flourishing, HOWEVER, on the inside, it was like I had been sentenced to life in prison. I would pray fervently, practically begging God to DELIVER ME, just as He did the Israelites from Pharaoh. I felt STUCK, and many times, I felt ABANDONED by God. I was conflicted with my desire to please God, representing what a “Godly” woman should look like, and my desire to BREAK FREE from the chains that held me bound. Part of me felt like an Israelite, roaming around dumbfounded in the wilderness, and the other part of me felt like Moses, unequipped for the calling that God placed on me. I JUST WANTED OUT! I JUST WANTED TO BE SET FREE. I JUST WANTED MY EXODUS.
“Then the Lord said to Moses, “Why are you crying out to me? Tell the Israelites to move on.”
Exodus 14:15 NIV
Maybe you can relate. Is there a situation, person, place or thing, that you feel shackled to? Like me, have you cried out to God to deliver you, but it seems as if your tears have been in vein, and your prayers have been unheard by God? Have you ever just stopped and asked yourself, “ Does God even see me?”. If I’m being truly honest, though my situation has changed, the task became greater, allowing for me to STILL be chained to my Pharaoh. Though I have NO plans on going backwards, I have found myself feeling like the Israelites, feeling that my escape was in vein, because it has brought forth more trials and tribulations. MAKE THIS MAKE SENSE GOD! Maybe you feel as if your efforts has been in vein, because it’s just one thing after another. You feel TIRED, OVERWHELMED, and just about ready to GIVE UP and go back to that situation, person, place or thing. I mean, God hasn’t DELIVERED you yet, and from what it looks like, DELIVERANCE does not look as if it’s coming anytime soon.
As I researched the book of EXODUS, or SH’MOT (Hebrew), I have discovered it’s meaning, which is , A GOING OUT (Greek). The book of EXODUS is a promise, not only to Abraham and the Israelites, but also, to you and I. EXODUS represents God sovereignty, His protection, and something that we ALL have a problem with……….. GOD’S TIMING. The Israelites had to unlearn their toxic, self righteous behaviors, just as you and I do, today. God’s promises if His provisions and protection, NEVER comes up void, however, many times we delay the promise, due to the expectation of God operating from our own timing, keeping us in the wilderness longer than we need to. EXODUS is proof, that GOD SEES US. Those tears that we cry…….. He collects them. This prayers that we fervently pray…………. He has already answered them. We must recognize, that it’s our own lack of FAITH, that is keeping us in the wilderness, rather, God’s broken promises.
We must also remember, that God promises that we would have suffering on this side of earth, and it’s in those wilderness moments, that He uses to grow our FAITH. There is ABSOLUTELY no need to beg God for anything. God does not desire anything from us, but our love. To love is to trust; if we love God, then we must also trust Him. We must move out of our own way, so that we can make into OUR PROMISED LAND! This is the time, right now! THIS IS YOUR EXODUS! Sits time to move on.
“So I have come down to rescue them from the hand of the Egyptians and to bring them up out of that land into a good and spacious land, a land flowing with milk and honey—the home of the Canaanites, Hittites, Amorites, Perizzites, Hivites and Jebusites.” Exodus 3:8 NIV